Friday, October 28, 2011

Happy Fall!

Was May really my last entry? Did I really boast about all the time I would have to write in this blog? And have you seen any writing since May? Ok, I have failed miserably with keeping up with this but I'm going to try to do better. I will tell myself I must write something, anything, at least once a week. So here is a pledge (as I keep my fingers crossed behind my back) to keep you in the dark no longer about what has been happening with the Smiths lately.

The first bit of news should probably be my new position as a teacher. I was hired in July to teach 6th grade math (and yes, you may start praying for me now). I teach some wonderful kids and everyday continues to test my patience. I am enjoying the new role in my life as I tell myself it must be preparing me for something else. I also have some students that I'll say are still wonderful, but choose to show me they are everything but wonderful, everyday. Right now they seem to be in a stage where they are still 5th graders in a size 6th grade body. My hope is by Valentines Day they might start acting like the 6th graders they should be, and I might come home a little less tired and stressed. Please don't take this as complaining because I am so grateful to have a job. I actually really like the job on the days that I get to actually teach. When the day is mostly filled with fights and one story after another about how so and so said this about me and I told him a piece of my mind because it's my right so I got in his face but I don't need detention because he started it and I'm about to go off on you if you don't let me go to the bathroom, among other things, it gets a little depressing.

Jordan is still enjoying his job and is very good at it. He continues to impress me with his optimism and good character which makes him an even better dad and husband. I have been known to get a little homesick for him and Shadow when I'm at work. Weekends together as a family are so nice to look forward to in the week and just aren't long enough!

Shadow has adjusted to day care -finally. He cried every time one of us would drop him off for the first couple of months. Now he will walk into the door and start playing with the other children immediately and not even look back at me as I leave. I know he has made some friends and enjoys going. Sometimes I wonder if he enjoys daycare more than being home with mom and dad. The ladies that work at the daycare have called him "Baby Casanova" because he also likes the little ladies. He's just too cute for words now and so independent. He says Ball, Momma, Dadda, Nanna, Da (dog), Mick (mickey mouse) and can say "please" and "more" in sign language. Guess which one of those gets used the most. And I think I heard him say "yogurt" this morning but that we before coffee so who knows.

This is all I will leave you with for now. I hope there is much more to follow as we move into the holiday season once again. Happy Fall!!!!

The Smith's, Downtown Lexington.

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