Saturday, October 2, 2010

Drive there, sleep here, and start all over again...

Most of you know my husband and I work as Admission Counselors for Murray State University. We have the privilege of recruiting potential new students to attend one of the best universities in the South. Of course I'm bias when I say this, but if you come check us out, I think you will agree. But, what is also a privilege is also very stressful on the mind and the body. And Jordan and I have found this to be even more so, since we are away from each other and Shadow.

The whirlwind of hotel rooms, college fairs, schools visits, fast food drive thru's that is travel season has consumed our lives for the past month, and will continue for the next month or so. Jordan will be in Missouri, or I will be in Tennessee for weeks at a time, and little Shadow will be in Murray. Crazy.

I might start my day with a couple school visits then call the babysitter to check in on Shadow. Drive another 30 minutes to get to my next school while talking to my husband. Grab something to eat and drive to my college fair while talking to my mom (who has been staying with Shadow for the weeks both of us have been out of town, God bless her), then remind myself where I need to be tomorrow so I know which hotel I am staying at. Check in, call the hubby, check email, and try to get some sleep while convincing myself I don't hear Shadow crying because he isn't there. Then start all over again for the next day. Although I can't really say this because the next day's schedule is going to be nothing like what I mentioned above.

But, let me tell you, we are Troopers. Yes, being a married admission counselor with a small child is not for the faint of heart my friends. It's bittersweet. I'm thankful that I have a job and that I work for an institution that I truly believe in. But, being away from my family has been hard. Did I mention I'm taking a Grad class during all this..............?

Anyways, despite the craziness, I have come to appreciate my friends and family. They have offered help to us to get us through this travel season and it has meant a lot to have their support. I'm also reminded how much I love my family, and just how wonderful they truly are. So, I can totally see this as a positive thing. Recruit new Racers to a great university, and be reminded that I am very blessed. I'll take it.

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