Friday, February 14, 2014

Painting is rough!!!!

So I need to rant about painting.  Jordan and I bought a house for the first time about a month ago.  We love it and we are ready to be moved in and have it feel like "home."  One of the things I wanted to get done before we had furniture and boxes everywhere, was to paint some of the rooms.  I spent days on Pintrest looking for perfect colors, reading advice on the best way to paint a room, the kinds of brushes that make the process easier, and collecting several paint chips from Lowes.  We were ready to go when we felt like we had everything we needed. I knew it would be a chore, but I also thought it might be kind of fun.

I was wrong. 
It is not fun.
It's hard.
I don't want to do it again for a very long time.

Here are some things I learned:
1.) The paint chip wall at Lowes is intimidating.  There are too many choices and if you know me, making decisions is not my forte. Jordan says I "over thought" the whole color thing.
2.) Painters tape is practically useless.  You will still get paint where you don't want it.
3.) A gallon of paint can go along way so don't buy too much or you will have extra paint you can't return.
4.) (In contradiction to #3) A gallon of paint doesn't really cover as much as you think, so be sure you buy extra so you aren't scraping the can to finish a wall.
5.) Movies lie.  I've seen a few movies where couples are painting, having a good laugh, playing, and then decide it might be a good time to hit the bedroom.  This is not true.  When you are covered with paint and sweat and have painters tape stuck in your hair-you don't feel the least bit attractive-just ask Jordan.
6.) Get a babysitter if you can.  We don't have that luxury being so far from family and babysitters get pricey.  Our dear little Shadow wanted to help so bad.  I thought keeping him occupied with toys and movies would keep him out of our hair. Not so.

7.) Cover your ENTIRE floor.  We did buy drop cloths to put around the edge of the room.  I was thinking "how far away from the wall can the paint actually fall?" Answer is, pretty far. 
8.) You wouldn't think so, but you will need a screwdriver in order to paint properly.  This will help you open the can of paint, but also remove those light switches and outlet covers.
9.) Grey is an IMPOSSIBLE color to pick.  You have blue greys, purple greys, green greys, etc.  I picked out a "grey" and it looks a little blue in our bedroom.  BUT...its not that bad.

Thankfully, we did get the rooms done that needed some paint.  But I have decided that we will not paint anything else.  Unless it's an interior design emergency.  

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