Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Let's get ready to rumble

It's a snow day!  Shadow and I have yet to be at school this week.  The winter weather seems to be winning.  And I don't like it.  I should be doing some things around my house, but having time to write is scarce so I'm taking advantage.

The Super Bowl is in a couple of weeks.  I have seen Facebook status updates and Tweets praising their team that made it, or lamenting over the loss of their favorites.  In the football world (because there is such a place) this is the final battle.  A good vs. evil, if you will.  Two teams have made their way through yards and yards of turf, countless injuries, extreme temperatures, all for a chance to get the funny shaped pig skin over a white line so they flaunt their lack of class by dancing in very strange ways. 
I have never been much of a football fan, but seeing people get competitive about it is fun.  All the "hit me with your best shot" and "we're not going to take it" talk got me thinking, (BTW, did you like my classic rock references?) what other famous Good vs. Evil battles have taken place that seem to get people talking?  In my opinion, these are much more interesting than two pro football teams facing off.  And they all have something in common.

1.) David Vs. Goliath.  Probably the best underdog story ever.  You know the Israelites and Philistines had to be talking about this battle for days, years maybe.  It may have been the traditional "where were you when David beheaded Goliath" kind of conversation-like we are with "where were you when the Challenger exploded".  No armor fit little David.  A sling shot was his weapon and his armor was the presence of the Lord.  When you take on the armor of the Lord-giants do not stand a chance.  David wins.

2.) Jesus Vs. Satan.  Jesus fought for us! I'm nothing and he battled the Devil to save me. Satan sucks, Jesus wins.

3.) Harry Potter Vs. Voldemort.  This was the ongoing battle that fans kept up with until the final pages of the last book.  How would Harry survive? Would he find a way to rid Voldemort forever?  It got a little complicated, but basically Voldemort underestimated the power of a mother's love, and ended up destroying his own soul as he tried to destroy Harry. Harry wins.

4.) Luke Skywalker Vs. Darth Vader and the Emperor. Luke's ability to deny the dark side for so long becomes the very undoing of the Empire.  The evil Emperor (again, someone underestimating the power of a parents love) is defeated as Darth turns back to good, saving his son Luke.  Darth Vader is also destroyed by this act and Luke gets a glimpse of his father, Anakin.  Luke and Anakin win.

5.) Dorothy and the Wicked Witch of the West.  Here we could raise the question "how wicked can you really be if a little water will destroy your beautiful wickedness?"  When Dorthy saw her friend, the Scarecrow, on fire, she did what anyone of us would do.  She found some water to put the fire out, while managing to sprinkle the witch too.  No more witch, here's the broom, and you can go home! Dorothy wins.

I wanted to put Katniss Vs. Capitol on the list, but since the final movies aren't out-I didn't want to spoil anything for those that hadn't read the books.   The heroes in these battles won because they were trying to save others,  because they had protection from the Love of Christ, or the Love of a parent.  Good will always overcome evil in these ways. 

Fans of the Superbowl will likely label their team as "good" and the opponent as "evil".  I know it's a wild comparison, but the nerd in me needed a way to write about her favorite battles, for the chance to root for my heroes again.   As for the Superbowl-I'm rooting for the commercials.  And the chips and dip.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful analogies Amanda. That is one of the things I love about you, you have such passion for so many things, Wizard of Oz, Harry Potter, Star Wars and most importantly our Lord and Savior. You have such a loving heart.


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