Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Coffee and Jesus

One of my goals for 2019 is to write more here.  In a world where you can stream anything, it's been super easy to get comfy on my couch and watch a story.  Over the past year I had moments where I would tell myself, "Man, I should blog about this."  But, hello Sherlock on Netflix, or Downtown Abbey on Prime.  I surrender to you. 

For this first post, as an attempt to get back into the swing of things, I am going to write about a morning I had last year.  In hindsight, it's going to sound really silly.  But in the moment, I felt like I was having a true epiphany or out of body experience. 

Let's begin with how much I love coffee.  The smell, the taste, the warm feeling as it revives my body and soul. Every morning, this is our relationship.   Wake up. Think to myself, "Just get the coffee, you'll be fine.  Coffee, coffee, coffee. Walk to kitchen. Put coffee pod in Keurig.  Start Keurig.  Use bathroom while coffee brews.  Return to mug and enjoy the quiet before I start my day.  "Ahh, coffee. You never let me down." Until then, there is no talking or the doing of the "things." 

One morning last year, there was no coffee.  I stared at the Keurig, fearful of the Shakespearean tragedy that was about to unfold.  But, I decided no big deal.  Maybe I can grab some on my way to school, or I'll just move my afternoon soda to my emergency morning caffeine fix? Well, it was a big deal.  As I went about my typical morning routine I felt dizzy and nauseous.  I had to sit down periodically.  I took me forever to do my hair and make-up because I felt so out of it.  I thought to myself, "Is this what drug addicts go through when they are in withdrawal?".  I was shaking and beginning to get a headache. 

And then it was as if the Lord shook me up and scolded me.  Why was I not craving Jesus in the morning like I was my coffee?  If this is what it felt like to be without coffee for one morning, what would it feel like to be without Jesus completely?  I don't even want to think about it.  I started praying, asking Jesus to forgive me for putting so much weight on a morning beverage, rather than morning time with Him. 

So, you can see now how silly this sounds, but that morning I was convicted. Since then, I have tried to be very intentional about reading my daily Bible verse or a devotion, before I've had my coffee.  Because as much as I adore the French vanilla or pumpkin spice goodness, I adore my Savior more, and it was time to really put that into action.  

So now the morning goes more like this.  Wake up.  Tell myself, "Jesus and coffee, Jesus and coffee", as I walk to the kitchen.  Start Keurig.  Read devotion or Bible verse while it brews.  Sit and enjoy my cup in the quiet. "Ahh Jesus.  You never let me down."

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